Discover your family brand

Great to have Tim Smith, the family coach on the podcast today.  If you want to get in touch with Tim, here’s his contact information.

Here is a quick link to some of Tim’s books on Amazon

My favorite book Tim wrote is called The Relaxed Parent.  It’s no longer in print but you can find it on Amazon on the following link

Here’s a list of questions we covered.  These might be good for you to consider with your spouse, or with a group of parents.

Creating a family brand.  What does it mean?

What are the ways in which you are tempted to change how you parent based on culture? 

Seems like there is a stress to be a certain way as a parent.  Pinterest perfect mom.  Funny Facebook dad.  How do you feel that stress?

How does culture set the goals for you instead of you setting goals for your family?

What are the enemies of calm in our homes?

How can you become a role model of calm?

Tim sent me his notes from this podcast.  Hope these can help you discover your family brand.

Discover your family brand

Set the goal.  Don’t let culture set the goals for you. (Romans 12:2 don’t let the world squeeze you into it’s mold.)

> What are the enemies of calm in our homes?

Busy-ness, over-commitment, fear of saying ‘no’; uncomfortable with reflection, silence and stillness (“Be still and know that I am God.” Ps. 46:10    Isaiah 30:15 “In repentence and rest is My strength.”)

Illus. Sharpen the Machete

>How do you escape the stress and learn calm as a parent?

Define your uniqueness. Clarify your values. Differentiate

Celebrate. Take the long-view. Ps. 119 ‘masterpiece = everyone else?!”

>What are the ways you’ve seen consistency and scheduling and predictability help your family closeness and help your children succeed? (Routines and predictability are key factors of family health – they promote security and identity. Ex. Meals, prayer, ‘I’m sorry’, contribution/chores, fun).